We've hit a milestone...my two big boys had their first sleep over last night! It's taken a little mental preparation on my part for this day to come, but I took a deep breath, prayed hard over my boys, and let them sleep out... 2 doors down. They had a great time! All that to explain why we postponed our family project for the day.
So, this afternoon I finally was able to pull the boys aside and do this =) I had gotten this idea from this blog and thought "why re-invent the wheel?" I took a moment with the 3 biggest boys and asked them most of the same questions she listed. I videoed our little interview for a more accurate account of their demeanors and exact answers. Some of the questions were...what's your favorite color, drink, snack, dinner, friend, movie? It was cute!
The point behind these questions on the inspiration page, was to capture their thoughts on their birthday. I like this idea, and might do it when our next birthday comes around. Her questions were good, but after hearing the answers...I think I'd ask things like...favorite ice cream, outfit, thing to do with mom/dad?
All in all, glad I got some footage of my boys. We'll see if this revisits the Patella household in April.
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