Every January 6th Tad's side of the family gets together to celebrate "Little Christmas". Grandma K gives us all a small wrapped gift of candy with a "little" money attached, and we eat a "little" dinner. Nothing fussy or fancy...just a nice way to regather after the formalities of the past month. This year we hosted at our new house! We ordered pizza and had king cake...
So, while I had the whole family held hostage in our house...I announced that they were all going to participate in game night WITH us! The boys were super excited. Game night is something we normally do as an immediate family, so adding "hostages" is AWESOME. Tonight we played Kids on Stage, which is a kid's charades game.
Everyone had to take a turn...
Pops was a LION.
Jackie was a PIG.
Joel was a HORSE. (Although his elephant and monkey looked a lot like this too.)
Dominic was PLAYING PIANO.
Mommy was a KANGAROO. (Katie's guess, "a jumping camel?"...thanks.)
Granny was a BUNNY.
Elijah was a SPIDER.
Abram kept watch ON the board.
Josh was a good sport, too. I think this was him after someone guessed he was using a computer. (I won't post the pic of you being a chair...heehee.)
And my favorite...Tad being a FLOWER.
Game night was a success!
Tomorrow we do a favorites checklist...
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