Sunday, January 30, 2011

save the date...

Well, we had a very important doctor's visit this past Friday!

First, I had the routine weight check...I know ya'll are dying to know...but I'm not spilling =) Next, I had the progressively more difficult task of peeing in a 2 inch wide cup from something I haven't seen since September...bullseye! Then it was ultrasound time!

Some startling revelations were made in that tiny room...the baby is squished, it has the same mouth as the other 3, as a family we have no clue what to look for as far as genitals, and with 2 weeks left the baby is already measuring 7 pounds 1 ounce (sigh). Seeing a tv monitor with a picture of your baby is pretty never gets old. My favorite part is when they scan around the babies face. This go round our bambino had one arm across it's forehead (think scarlett o'hara...maybe a dramatic girl in there?!). We saw the mouth opening and closing...I could see the same beautiful lips that have greeted me with each of my other 3...can't wait to smooch them! We told the tech we didn't want to know the sex, but truth be told Tad didn't want to know. Myself, and my inlaws were very ready for her to slip and say a pronoun. I can wait 2 more weeks...I just didn't really want to =). She tells us that "it" was on the screen a good long while...we still have absolutely no clue.

After the ultrasound, I have my blood pressure taken and fight back sarcasm as the nurse asks if i "have any complaints?". (I can barely walk, breath, sleep, or eat without heartburn, but of course answer "nope".) The doctor comes in and marvels at the belly for a minute, then checks for any progress. High and closed (not going to explain...just know, it means that I'm not going into labor any time soon).

We finish there and pile into his office to talk dates! Based on the due dates from the 3 ultrasounds we've gotten, it looks like
Holy cow...we have an actual date for our baby to arrive! I have lots of feelings that well up with this immense knowledge, but will lay those out in another entry.

This gives us 2 weeks to make final preparations, both mentally and logistically. February 11th will never be the same again...I can't wait for it to get here.


  1. So excited for you Emmily! And I can't wait to find out what "it" is!!

  2. Emmily, I'm so excited for you and the family. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make this new addition an easier transition for you guys! And oh by the way, my great grandmother will be turning 95 this February 11! Great people are born on that date!!

  3. "Next, I had the progressively more difficult task of peeing in a 2 inch wide cup from something I haven't seen since September"
    This is SO awesome, I can't even put it in to words! I am cracking up, LOL!!! :) You would think, they really could come up with a better system than that...
    Anyway, so excited you have a date and I can't wait to find out what you have in there.

  4. hahaha!!! i was about to post the same thing lindsay just posted.... that was hilarious

  5. Very happy for you! Antipating seeing "it" soon!
