We arrived at the hospital at 10:30am. The C-Section was scheduled for 12:30pm. Our old neighbor, Joyce, came to be our photographer...she was already there and began taking shots from the moment we walked up the ramp. We signed consents, I got my hospital bracelet, and we made the trek to the elevator...here we go! I know two of the nurses that work labor and delivery, and of course neither of them were scheduled today. I was told to ask for Elaine...she took good care of us. I donned the hospital robe and cuddled into a skinny little bed. Monitors were hooked up and IV's were put in place. The baby's heart rate ranged from 134 to 176...it shot up everytime they wiggled in my belly.
The Patella's arrived with our entourage...it was good to see my boys (TEAM PATELLA!). Other family and friends trickled in to wish me good luck and then went to the waiting room as well.
Tad and I had a few minutes here and there to ourselves, but my nerves kept me from really relaxing. We kept discussing the name dilemna..."okay we are good with our girl name...we think, but what about boy's?" After naming 3 other boys...we are really running dry!
The C-section was running a little late, so it wasn't until about 1:15 that they actually took me into the OR. I know I've done this a few times before, but I never get used to the spinal tap...it makes me really nervous! I told the nurse I would probably cry...and I did =) She held me in a super sweet hug, while two doctors worked on the injection. I can't say exactly how long it took, but after what seemed like 5 minutes and one doctor seemingly explaining to the other what to do back there...I had to ask "You've done this before, right?!" (insert nervous chuckle). All went well, and within a few seconds I was numb from the chest down and relaxed. In the blink of an eye, my doctor was in position, the blue drape was drawn, and Tad was next to me awaiting our child.
Tad can watch the whole thing. I can watch Tad watch the whole thing. It's strange to wonder what your husband is thinking while knowing what he is witnessing behind the blue drape. His wife is being operated on, right there in front of him.
Dr. M let's us know he is close...Tad gets the camera going...as the doctor pulls out the head, Tad and I make a last minute call "I bet it's a girl" "Me too"
"It's a BOY!"
Tad and I both start laughing. My heart swells with the thought of four boys running around me for the rest of my life...In a flash, I see the most wonderfully crazy life before my eyes...I'm so excited.
"So what's his name?" "I don't know!" "What should we do?" "I guess just go announce that it's a boy, and we'll figure it out later"
I hear the cries of my newest little guy, and they bring him to me for my first kiss...he looks just like my other boys did...I'm in love all over again!
From what I hear, the waiting room was pretty rowdy when they announce we were adding another boy to the mix...everyone huddles around to congratulate Tad and meet our no name baby =) This moment of fame, with everyone hanging on Tad's every word is why I am okay with not finding out what we are having. For that second all eyes are on Tad, and he gets the privilege of presenting his child to his family. For nine months I have most of the attention around me and my stomach...it's nice to share the spotlight.
In normal order, I respond to the drugs with lethargy and nausea. I can't even open my eyes long enough to really look at my baby the whole rest of the day =(. With what little peeks I do get, I am amazed with just how stinkin cute he is. We get situated in our permanent room, and after a few hours I get to see my big boys again. Joel immediately looks like a little boy...just that fast he is no longer my "baby". Everyone leaves for the night, and Tad and I get to settle in. As I hold my newborn, it is odd not to have a name to speak to him...I try out a few of the ones Tad and I had talked about...but the drugs and nausea make it hard to really think.
mommy looks a mess!
Before we go to sleep, I look over at Tad...so in love with the man who has given me four beautiful boys. The next morning, with a renewed feeling that my stomach was not about to jump out of my mouth, I woke up and told Tad that I had decided on what we should name our baby boy. All along Tad and I each had a name that we each liked, but couldn't come to an agreement on the other's choice. We knew we would likely give him Tad's middle name (all the boys have a family middle name). Being the wonderfully accommodating wife that I am (wink, wink), I decided that although I liked my name...Tad really felt strongly about his and had for the last 2 months. If nothing else, I felt good knowing that one of us was totally confident in a powerful and strong male name...so it was settled.
That morning we announced that we had a name...Abram Steven Patella.
Welcome to the world my sweet Abram!