Sunday, May 8, 2011

the bat bash...

A couple of years ago while at a MOPS meeting, a more "seasoned" mom of four was explaining how they only do birthday parties for BIG years (1, 5, 10). We sort of took that mentality into our own home...but, things just feel different right now. We needed something to look forward to. So, a month or so before our big birthday month of April I asked Dominic what he would like for his birthday party...he was turning 4 and Joel was turning 2...not "big" years, but a BIG reason to celebrate all the same. We crashed Tad's grandma's's a wonderful space canopied by mature trees and has held lots of family time back there.
So, we had a Batman "jumpy thing", Batman cupcakes, make-your-own superhero masks, coloring sheets, pick-your-own goody bags, and food. The boys got new Batman costumes for the party, but after being in the heat for about 10 minutes, they changed into their Batman Tie shirts...much cooler =) OH! I almost forgot! We pulled a few strings and had Batman come to the party! (They figured it was Daddy, but he's their hero all the same...costume or not =) )We enjoyed catching up with friends and family and my boys felt very loved and celebrate...mission accomplished.

Dominic and his buddy Jake!

Batman still uses a nu-nu?

1 comment:

  1. That's some handsome bat boys you have there, Mamma! Love the nu-nu...every supermamma has her secret weapon!
